Those changes apply both to the body sliders and the live game, when your sims eat or exercise. Now, you can make sims that are very skinny, fat or muscular! You can do this thanks to roBurky, who modified the range of sims fat and muscle levels. It enables you to go over the limits set by the game when it comes to your sims. Of course, this is the most important part of this mod. Even if they have the “High Metabolism” trait! Expanded Fitness Limits If you enable it, your sims’ muscle and fat will decay normally.

You can also find this option under the menu and it’s disabled by default. When enabled, the fat and muscle of sims will change only when they are in the active household. You can find this option in the menu, and it is enabled by default. If you do any changes, you will have to restart your game for them to work. You can find it by clicking on your sim and choosing the roBurky category. You can keep the settings on normal, or change them to your liking! So, you can make your changes directly, without too much hassle. Through it, you will be able to modify your game however you like. So, it’s easier and faster to use than any other mod out there! The Menu It has combined plenty of famous mods together and brought them under one menu. Now that your sims are a bit on the curvier side, check out our post on Sims 4 Custom Food! How roBurky’s fat mod works on the Sims 4 Being a bit heavier isn’t a stigma anymore and you may want to pass this over to your sims! What you may not know about this mod though, is that it doesn’t only change how fat your sim may get! Check out roBurky’s Fitness Controls and let us tell you how it works.

It’s all over youtube and the Sims 4 forums, and everyone seems to be enjoying it. We have all heard about the so-called “fat mod” in The Sims 4. Welcome to our Sims 4 post about the famous fat mod!